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Friday 31 October 2014


In a previous blog post I discussed seine fishing which is a common fishing method used by fishermen in Mayaro, however this is not the only method used, there is also Trolling. While seine fishing is done on the sea shores, trolling is where these fishermen actually goes out into the waters on their boats and catch fishes using bait rather than nets. Trolling is a method of fishing where one or more fishing lines baited with bait fish are drawn through the water. This may be behind a moving boat or by slowly winding the line in when fishing from a static position, or even sweeping the line from side to side.

This kind of fishing takes a lot of time and patience usually it takes an entire day to catch a fair amount of fishes, sometimes the boat may have to move around the ocean or set position for hours to find the right place where most fishes would come to eat their bait. If you are persistent one tide could get you a great catch. These fishermen do this for a living so it is indeed a fun activity for them and the means by which they support their family on a day to day basis. Fishing has become the lifestyle for many families here in Mayaro, it is indeed a lot of hard work but it is how some families make an honest living while utilizing our natural resources here in Mayaro. 
One day's catch of trolling fishing 
Check out some more of my videos on trolling fishing.

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