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Thursday 9 October 2014


Seine Fishing or "pulling seine" is a common activity seen on the shores of beaches in Mayaro. The Fishing industry have became a major part of this community and a means of livelihood for many families in Mayaro. So some may be familiar with this method of fishing while others may not. A seine is basically a fishing net that hangs vertically in the water with its bottom edge held down by weights and its top edge buoyed by floats. These nets are deployed from the shores and cast into the sea, bringing in dozens of fishes to land. A lot of man power is needed in this type of fishing method in order to bring all these fishes to shore. 

Big catch at Mayaro beach

Last month fishermen made a big catch of over a hundred cavalli here in Mayaro. Seine fishing to me is such a marvelous site and one of my favourite activity to witness. Residents often visit these sites and are given a fish or two to cook for the families, and then fishermen sell these fishes to earn an honest living. Here is some more pictures of seine fishing in Mayaro.



  1. This pic brings back memories of going camping with youth group members up Mayaro .We stayed at the Catholic Church and one morning we were given the opportunity to help pull in the Seine .It was hard work but it paid off in the end ,we got free fish :)

    1. Yea free fish is the best part LOL but the experience is very nice

  2. Wow that's not something I'm accustomed to where I live. You all are very lucky, and free fish too well even better.
