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Friday 21 November 2014


Crab catching is an engaging recreational activity especially when the crabs are caught for eating. The main crabs used as food in Trinidad are land crabs known as the Blue Crab and the Hairy Crab. The Blue Crab generally lives in muddy places and the Hairy Crab usually lives in swampy places.

One of the methods used for catching these crabs is to use a trap and these are usually made of wood, bamboo or wire. Despite the material that the trap is made of, the concept of the design is the same. The trap has a door that is open, but when the crab takes the bait that is in the trap the door either drops shut or falls shut and cannot be opened by the crab from the inside. To attract the crab, bait of either dried coconut meat or large pieces of hot pepper are placed in the trap. Here is a video I made of how to make a crab trap.

 Another method that is used, but is one for the really brave, is to spot the crab entering its hole and then to push your hand into the hole and grab the crab. The claim made by those who use this method is that the crab cannot open its claws in the hole and so cannot pinch very hard. 

Probably the most enjoyable way to catch land crabs is to grab them with your hands as they come out of their holes and traverse the beach. The best time for indulging in this method of catching land crabs is at night during a full moon with a high tide. During this time the crabs come out their holes and cross the beach to release their eggs in the sea. They can thus be caught going to the sea or returning after releasing their eggs. This method, if done with friends, can result in hours of entertainment and is guaranteed to result in laughter especially if someone does not hold the crab properly or firmly. The safest method for catching the crab is to grab the crab from behind using the thumb and index finger and holding the crab by the body with the fingers positioned behind the pincers (gundy). This method is safe because the crab cannot reach behind itself with its pincers. Mayaro is a well known area for this type of crab catching and many individuals engage in this night time activity while on vacation at these beaches. 

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